
Monday, August 27, 2012

Salad Dressing Recipe

About Salad

The history of the tossed salad cannot be traced to any single place or time, for the mere reason that each culture around the world has been eating its own type of salad for time immemorial. A salad may consist of greens, grains, pasta, or meats; it may be raw or cooked; it may be sweet, spicy, savory, or pungent; it may be eaten as an appetizer, entrée, refresher course, or dessert. Clearly, the salad is a diverse meal with diverse interpretations across the globe.
In the Western world, the salad is traditionally a green or vegetable-based dish, seen as a lighter, healthier meal. While salad dressings may be a multitude of oils, spices, and herbs, there are typically three types of dressings: vinaigrettes, which are based on oil and vinegar; creamy dressings, which are made of yogurt, mayonnaise, or sour cream; and cooked dressings, which are creamy dressings with egg yolks and other heated ingredients. There is a dressing to go with any salad, whether green, fruit, grain, or meat-based, so experiment making your own dressings at home. They are quick to prepare, economical, and taste magnitudes fresher than anything bought at the grocery store.


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